KIPP Forward » Middle & High School

Middle & High School

Through KIPP Forward (formerly KIPP Through College), we're supporting students to choose and prepare for the educational and career path that fits their goals and sense of purpose. Once on their way, KIPP Forward teams help alumni keep moving forward while pursuing their dreams.
8th grade
  • Students complete the Education Opens Doors curriculum to ensure that they are equipped with knowledge to be successful in high school
  • Students participate in college campus visits
  • Students research and evaluate high school options and complete a OneApp to attend high school


9th grade and 10th grade
  • Students plan their courseload, participate in extra-curricular activities and monitor their GPA
  • Schools and the KTC team arrange college visits to help students and their families learn about college options
  • Students prepare for the ACT with study and test practice
  • Students spend summers working, participating in internships and volunteer activities
  • Families track financial and tax documents for Financial Aid purposes


11th grade
  • Students complete the ACT at least twice
  • Students visit campuses of colleges to which they plan to apply
  • Students and families create college wish lists which include at least nine schools
  • Students apply to summer visit or 'fly in' programs at colleges and universities
  • Families track financial and tax documents for Financial Aid purposes
12th grade
  • Students complete applications to at least 9 target schools and/or bridge programs that match their goals and academic profiles
  • Students complete the Federal Application For Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Students visit colleges and bridge programs to which they have applied
  • Students have regular one–on–one meetings with their KTC Counselor
  • Families are in regular contact with the KTC Counselor throughout the application and decision making process
  • Students make final post secondary decisions by May 1