Enroll » Enrollment FAQs

Enrollment FAQs

Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions

How old does my child have to be to enroll in Kindergarten?
Students must turn five by September 30 in the year they enroll in Kindergarten.
How do I apply to KIPP New Orleans Schools?
The application process to all KIPP schools is managed by the citywide EnrollNOLA system. To apply, visit www.enrollnola.org
What grade levels does KIPP New Orleans Schools serve?
KNOS offers enrollment in grade pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Does KIPP have an enrollment screening process for academic performance or other characteristics?
No, all KIPP schools are open-enrollment. The only requirement is residence in Orleans Parish. 
Are KIPP schools public schools or private schools?
All KIPP schools are public schools. 
Do KIPP schools require uniforms?
Yes, all KIPP schools in New Orleans currently require uniforms. Uniforms can be purchased through Uniforms By Logo Express.
What does KIPP stand for?
KIPP is the Knowledge Is Power Program. Read more about the KIPP program
Where can I get help completing the online application?
If you need help completing the online application, please submit your information here and we will contact you.  
Do you have a question not listed here?  If so, please contact us so we can help you with an answer!