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Board Minutes

KIPP New Orleans Schools Meeting Minutes: February 21, 2019

A public meeting of the Board of Directors (the Board) of KIPP New Orleans Schools (KNOS) was held on Thursday, February 21, 2019, at 5:45 p.m. at the KNOS School Support Center, Myrtle Banks Building at 1307 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd.

The meeting was called to order at 5:51 p.m.

The following members were present: Larry Washington, Steven Usdin, Donnell Bailey (arrived at 6:10 p.m.), Jodi Aamodt, Stanwood Duvall, Bruce Hurley, Drew Marsh (arrived at 5:53 p.m.), Kelt Kindick, and Lauren Hitt.

The following members were absent: Robert Hudson, Toya Barnes-Teamer, and Sherice Clark

The following members of KNOS staff were present: Rhonda Kalifey-Aluise, CEO; Katie Walmsley, CFO; Todd Purvis, CAO; Javier Cortez, Director of Finance; Katharine Schweighardt, Managing Director of School Operations; Brad Rosenblat, Managing Director of Finance and Accounting; and Kristen Chawla, Director of Engagement & Events.

The following guests were present: John Alford, KIPP Foundation.

Mr. Washington welcomed board members, staff, and guests to the meeting.

Governance and Nominating Committee Report
Because Mr. Marsh was not yet in attendance to begin the Finance Report, Ms. Kalifey-Aluise began the meeting with a report from the Governance and Nominating Committee. Ms. Kalifey-Aluise discussed that the board will transition to a new Governance and Nominating Committee chair as the previous chair rolled off the board in December.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Washington introduced a vote to approve the Board’s December meeting minutes and the January retreat minutes. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Usdin and seconded by Mr. Duval. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Academic Committee Report
Mr. Purvis presented the Academic Committee report, which included a review of letter grades by LEA. Due to last year’s high enrollment of new to KIPP students, schools letter grades were impacted. Those who have been with KIPP longer have higher student performance scores. He also discussed the importance of retaining students and families from year to year. Mr. Purvis then reviewed the Pre-K data initially shared at the January retreat. Mr. Purvis discussed the K-2 literacy vision, provided mid-year goals report card, and current growth scores which are 10.2 percentile points higher than we were at this time a year ago.

Finance Committee Report
Mr. Marsh opened the Finance Committee’s report. Ms. Walmsley reviewed the financial summary and that the balance is higher than projected due to a variety of factors. Those include a higher percentage of SPED students, block grants coming in higher than projected, and re-budgeting areas of the School Support Center based on current staffing. Ms. Walmsley also reviewed the facilities plan for Central City Primary which will move to Sylvanie Williams, the return of Central City Middle to the Woodson building and KIPP Booker T. Washington’s move to their new facility at the original site of the Booker T. Washington High School.

Resolution Authorizing Renewal of Credit Line
Mr. Marsh introduced the resolution to renew the credit line. Ms. Kalifey-Aluise and Ms. Walmsley were authorized to execute the renewal documents on behalf of KNOS. Mr. Marsh then introduced a motion to approve the renewal of the credit line and Mr. Kindick seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Development Committee Report
Ms. Aamodt delivered the Development Committee report. The 2019 gala is on March 22 and is already set to be well attended. Ms. Aamodt invited the board to invite two guests to attend as compliments of KNOS.

Strategic Planning Committee Report
Mr. Kindick presented the Strategic Planning Committee Report. Bain Consulting Group will work with KNOS over the next four months to develop a strategic plan and decision about opening schools in Baton Rouge in the future.

CEO Report
Ms. Kalifey-Aluise presented the CEO report. Ms. Kalifey-Aluise reminded the Board that KNOS is submitting charter school applications to East Baton Rouge Parish. She presented KNOS updates and highlights across the region and proposed dates for FY20 KNOS Board meeting dates.

General Public Comments
Mr. Washington recognized that there were no guests in attendance and therefore, no comments.

Executive Session: CEO Evaluation
Following the conclusion of the CEO report, Mr. Washington asked for a motion to hold an executive session. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Kindick and Seconded by Mr. Usdin. The motion passed by unanimously by voice vote. KNOS staff exited the room for the Executive Session and CEO Evaluation.

Following the Executive Session, Mr. Kindick made a motion to end the meeting and Mr. Duval seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote and Mr. Washington adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.

KIPP New Orleans Schools Board Retreat and Meeting Minutes: January 11, 2019

A public retreat of the Board of Directors (the Board) of KIPP New Orleans Schools (KNOS) was held on Friday, January 11, 2019, at 8:30 am at KIPP East Community Primary located at 6519 Virgilian St., New Orleans, LA 70126.

The meeting was called to order at 8:42 am.


The following members were present: Larry Washington, Toya Barnes-Teamer, Steven Usdin, Donnell Bailey, Jodi Aamodt, Stanwood Duvall, Bruce Hurley, Drew Marsh, Sherice Clark, Kelt Kindick, and Lauren Hitt (departed at 1:00).


The following members were absent: Robert Hudson.


The following members of KNOS staff were present: Rhonda Kalifey-Aluise, CEO; Katie Walmsley, CFO; Joey LaRoche, CSO; Todd Purvis, CAO and Kristen Chawla, Director of Engagement & Events.


The following guests were present: John Alford, KIPP Foundation (departed at 1:00); H. Suzve and Lauren Fisher, Kenilworth Middle School in Baton Rouge (arrived at 9:20) and Jennifer Eplett Reilly and Adam Knapp, New Schools for Baton Rouge Board members (arrived at 12:20 and departed at 1:15).


Ms. Kalifey-Aluise welcomed everyone to the retreat and provided an overview of the meeting agenda and purpose. Ms. Kalifey-Aluise reviewed the board decisions made at past years' retreats and the impact they have had on the organization.


Academic Updates
Mr. Purvis presented a school by school performance update which included: letter grade, student attrition data, teacher retention and plans for school improvement. As each school in the KNOS portfolio was reviewed, board members had an opportunity to ask school-specific questions.

Break and Pre-Kindergarten Classroom Visit (10:10 – 10:38 am)
Board members had an opportunity to visit Pre-Kindergarten classrooms with Amanda Cole, Director of Pre-K programming and Jaritza Alecon, Dean of Instruction.


Growth Opportunity and Strategy
Ms. Kalifey-Aluise discussed growth opportunities and strategy for KNOS. Opportunity for growth at this time may include expanding KNOS to Baton Rouge. 70% of Baton Rouge students of color are attending C, D, and F schools. There is a tremendous need in Baton Rouge for high caliber, best in class, public education. The board participated in an exercise about expanding our reach specific to exploring the possibility of adding Baton Rouge school(s) into our portfolio.


Break and lunch from 11:50 – 12:20


Baton Rouge Partner Discussion
Ms. Reily and Mr. Knapp provided an overview of their work recruiting charter schools to Barton Rouge to increase academic opportunities for the students in their area. The board had an opportunity to ask specific questions about the challenges of opening a KIPP school in Baton Rouge.


At the end of the retreat, the board agreed to greenlight the exploration of opening a KIPP school in Baton Rouge. The KNOS Team will prepare specific scenarios in the coming months.


The meeting adjourned at 1:15 pm.


KIPP New Orleans Schools Board Meeting Minutes: December 6, 2018

A public meeting of the Board of Directors {the Board) of KIPP New Orleans (KNOS) was held Thursday, December 6, 2018, at the KNOS School Support Center, Myrtle Banks Building at 1307 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd.
The meeting was called to order at 5:50 pm. All Board members were present, including: Stan Duval, Sherice Clark (5:52), John Landrum, Robert Hudson, Jodi Aamodt (7:00 departure), Donnell Bailey, Drew Marsh (6:47 departure), Steve Usdin, Larry Washington, Bruce V. Hurley, Toya Barnes-Teamer (5:54 arrival and 6:56 departure), and Kelt Kindick.
The following KNOS staff members were present: Rhonda Kalifey-Aluise, CEO; Matt Lehigh, COO; Joey LaRoche, CSO; Katie Walmsley CFO; Brad Rosenblat, Managing Director of Finance & Accounting; Kristen Chawla, Director of Engagement & Events; and Javier Cortez, Director of Finance.
The following guests were present: Toni Pickett, Janice Long, Earnest Charles, and Martha Landrum.
Mr. Washington welcomed board members, staff, and guests to the meeting.
Mr. Washington introduced a vote to approve the Board's October meeting minutes. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Kindick and seconded by Mr. Duval. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Finance Committee Report
Mr. Marsh opened the Finance Committee's report, noting the fund balance and that this year's audit is in progress and is expected to result with zero findings. Ms. Walmsley provided an update on the projected fund balance. Guest attendee, Ms. Lang asked Ms. Walmsley to clarify how SPED enrollment impacts the budget at KNOS and other schools, which Ms. Walmsley explained.
Approval of the FY19 Budget
Ms. Walmsley stated there were no changes made to the FY19 budget from the last meeting. Mr. Washington asked for a vote. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Landrum and seconded by Mr. Bailey.
Governance and Nominating Committee Report
Mr. Landrum presented the five members eligible for term renewal as well as Ms. Lauren Hitt's nomination to the KNOS Board.
Approval of Board Term Renewals:
The following Board members were nominated for term renewal. Each stepped out of the room when their nomination was made.
  • Mr. Washington nominated Dr. Barnes-Teamer for a renewed term. Motion to approve made by Mr. Duval andaseconded by Mr. Hudson. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
  • Mr. Washington nominated Ms. Clark for a renewed term. Motion to approve made by Mr. Duval and secondedaby Dr. Hurley. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
  • Mr. Washington nominated Mr. Hudson for a renewed term. Motion to approve made by Mr. Duval and secondedaby Mr. Marsh. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
  • Mr. Washington nominated Mr. Kindick for a renewed term. Motion to approve made by Mr. Marsh and secondedaby Mr. Duval. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
  • Mr. Duval nominated Mr. Washington for a renewed term. Motion to approve made by Mr. Usdin and secondedaby Mr. Marsh. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Approval of Board Nomination
Motion to approve Ms. Hitt's nomination was made by Mr. Bailey and seconded by Mr. Marsh. The vote passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Academic Committee Report
Mr. Purvis presented the Academic Committee report, which included an update of the NOLA TIF 2018 Update for KIPP, updates about STEMcember, and student participation in STEM competition in the city. Mr. Purvis highlighted that KIPP is the only open-enrollment school to participate as well as progress to the State competition. Mr. La Roche presented current data about teacher attrition, goals for retention and that KNOS will begin deeper discussions and planning for an increase to teacher compensation.
Development Committee Report
Ms. Aamodt delivered the Development Committee report. Mr. Bailey announced that the alumni dinner will be held on January 3. Ms. Aamodt reminded members to secure gala sponsorship by Jan 12 to be listed in this year's print materials. She also encouraged Board members to recruit new attendees and donors.
Strategic Planning Committee Report
Mr. Kindick presented the Strategic Planning Committee Report which included an overview of the committee's last meeting which was spent reviewing Ms. Kalifey-Aluise's role and objectives. Objectives focus on academic achievement, teacher attrition, and building leadership pipelines. The committee is also exploring strategic expansion opportunities for KNOS.
CEO Report
Ms. Kalifey-Aluise presented the CEO report, provided an update on the recent death of a student due to illness, reminded the board about the continued search for a Chief Operating Officer, and previewed topics for the January Board retreat which will include expansion opportunities and teacher compensation.
Following the conclusion of the CEO report, Mr. Washington asked guests to address the board. Mr. Charles asked if there was a parent on the Board and Ms. Clark identified herself. This concluded the comments portion of the meeting. Mr. Usdin made a motion to end the meeting and Mr. Kindick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Washington adjourned the meeting at 7:06 p.m.

KIPP New Orleans Board Meeting Minutes: August 23, 2018

A public meeting of the Board of Directors (the Board) of KIPP New Orleans (KNOS) was held Thursday, August 23, 2018, at the KNOS School Support Center, Myrtle Banks Building at 1307 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd.

The meeting was called to order at 5:51 p.m.

The following Board members were present: Larry Washington, John Landrum, Robert Hudson, Bruce Hurley Jr., Drew Marsh, and Steve Usdin. Board member Toya Barnes Teamer arrived at 5:56pm. The following Board members were absent: Jodi Aamodt, Donnell Bailey, Sherice Clark, Stan Duval Jr., and Kelt Kindick.

The following KNOS staff members were present: Rhonda Kalifey-Aluise, CEO; Matt Lehigh, CFO/COO; Joey La Roche, Chief Strategy Officer; Jonathan Bertsch, Director of Advocacy & Communications; Brad Rosenblat, Managing Director of Finance & Accounting; Katharine Schweighardt, Managing Director of School Operations; Kristen Chawla, Director of Engagement & Events; Javier Cortez, Director of Finance; Nanette Blake, Communications Manager; and Virginia Fernandez, Office Administrator.

The following guest was present: Elie Teichman.

Mr. Washington welcomed board members, staff, and guest to the meeting. Mr. Washington deferred a vote on the June meeting minutes, as a quorum had not yet been established. Quorum was established at 5:56pm upon the arrival of Ms. Barnes Teamer.

Academic Committee Report

Mr. LaRoche presented the Academic Committee report, which included projections for each school's 2018-2019 assessment indices. He gave a brief overview of the academic plan put in place this summer at the teacher's professional development meetings. Mr. La Roche emphasized KIPP's goals for all students to perform at grade level expectations and how teachers and interventionists work closely together to dedicate class time to grade level work. He informed the board that the School Performance Scores (SPS) formula is changing and will continue to change until 2025. At the conclusion of the Academic Committee report and following the establishment of a quorum by the arrival of Ms. Barnes Teamer, Mr. Washington turned to the approval of the June meeting minutes. After board members reviewed the minutes, Mr. Usdin made a motion to approve them. Mr. Marsh seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Finance Committee Report

Mr. Marsh opened the Finance Committee's report, noting that the fund balance was in good shape and that this year's audit is in progress. Mr. Lehigh then summarized the report. FY 18 finished well, and thanks to a higher enrollment rate than anticipated, FY19 is off to a good start. Schools are expected to be at capacity this academic year. FY19 Budget Adoption Mr. Marsh made a motion to adopt the current budget and Ms. Barnes Teamer seconded the motion. The FY19 Budget passed unanimously by voice vote.

Development Committee Report

Ms. Chawla delivered the Development Committee report. She reviewed the Save the Date information shared with the board. Ms. Chawla then invited the board members to the Development Committee meeting on Thursday, September 13, 12pm-1:30pm. She will send out calendar invitations for all events discussed. Ms. Kalifey-Aluise extended an invitation to the Bard Early College Kick Off Event at Renaissance on October 9, 2018.

Governance and Nominating Committee Report

Mr. Landrum delivered the Governance and Nominating Committee report. He introduced new board member Dr. Bruce V. Hurley Jr. Mr. Landrum also noted the committee's intent to add a new board member. A candidate is currently being considered and Mr. Landrum will check with the board members for their input. Mr. Landrum's term will end ineDecember. Ms. Kalifey-Aluise brought up the importance of having a current KIPP parent on the board in order to be 10096ecompliant with KNOS' authorizers and asked that the board keep this in consideration.

Strategic Planning Committee Report

Mr. Kindick was not in attendance to present a report. Ms. Kalifey-Aluise will have a phone conference with him and the Strategic Planning Committee in the upcoming week to discuss leadership planning, pipeline planning, the assistant principal developmental work that is in progress and the search for the new Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer. She also shared that the Strategic Planning Committee will be studying processes concerning attendance, attrition and culture.

CEO Report

Ms. Kalifey-Aluise presented the CEO report. The school year started well. There has been a concentrated effort on improving attendance for the first weeks of schools, resulting in high student attendance for the first two weeks. We are working closely with our team at OPSB to make sure that issues are being addressed and the transition goes smoothly.

Ms. Chawla then shared with the board videos of KIPP students' first day of school and Pennant Day for KIPP Renaissance graduates held last school year.

Following the conclusion of the CEO  report, Mr. Washington noted that the guest, Mr. Teichman, did not wish to address the board, rendering the comment period unnecessary. He adjourned the meeting at 7:01 p.m.


KIPP New Orleans Schools- Board Meeting Minutes: June 14, 2018

A public meeting of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of KIPP New Orleans Inc. (“KNOS”) was held Thursday, June 14, 2018, at the Myrtle Banks Building, 1307 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard.

The meeting was called to order at 5:46 p.m. The following Board members were present: Sherice Clark, Stanwood Duval, Kelt Kindick, John Landrum, Drew Marsh, Florencia Polite, Larry Washington, Donnell Bailey, and Steve Usdin. Dr. Toya Barnes-Teamer arrived at 5:57pm. Larry Washington left at 6:17pm, and Vice Chair Judge Duval took over at that time. The following Board members were absent: Jodi Aamodt and Robert Hudson.

The following members of KNOS staff were present: CEO Rhonda Kalifey-Aluise, CAO Todd Purvis, COO/CFO Matt Lehigh, Managing Director of Finance Brad Rosenblat, Director of Finance Javier Cortez, Managing Director of Operations Katherine Schweighardt, Director of Advocacy Jonathan Bertsch, and Regional Office Manager Virginia Fernandez.

The following members of the public were present: Danalyn Hypolite of the OPSB and Reginald Rowe from the Seal Security Group

Mr. Washington welcomed board members, staff, and guests to the meeting.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Washington introduced a vote to approve the Board’s May meeting minutes. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Marsh and seconded by Mr. Kindick. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Governance and Nominating Committee Report
Mr. Landrum presented Dr. Bruce Hurley’s nomination to the KNOS Board.

Consideration of Board Nomination
Mr. Kindick called a vote for the consideration of new board member, Dr. Bruce Hurley, with unanimous support from the Committee. The vote passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Finance Committee Report
Mr. Marsh presented on the financial summary of KNOS in relation to the closing of fiscal year 2018.

FY Budget Presentation
Mr. Lehigh discussed the strategies for maintaining the expected budget for FY19 despite the decreased funding per student. He outlined priorities for next year including providing excellent education to students and supporting the development of strong educators. In spite of the budget shortcomings, KIPP will continue to offer what is best for the students--the pre-K program will return, BARD Early College will continue, and there will be more athletic enrichment activities. Several new curricula will come online.

Academic Committee Report
Mr. Purvis gave a summary of the new accountability systems for school scores and how they will be interpreted.

Development Committee Report
Ms. Kalifey-Aluise stated that the members of the development committee were not present and therefore would provide an update at the next board meeting.

Strategic Planning Committee Report
Mr. Kindick discussed the importance of working closely with the OPSB in a constructive way and building relationships.
He stressed the importance of continuing to focus on student recruitment during the upcoming school year.

CEO Report
Ms. Kalifey-Aluise discussed the upcoming professional development day for teachers and staff on July 12. She stated that student orientation would be August 1 through August 3 and August 6 will be the first day of school.

Judge Duval adjourned the meeting at 6:36 p.m.

KIPP New Orleans Schools- Board Meeting Minutes: May 24, 2018

A public meeting of the Board of Directors (the "Board") of KIPP New Orleans Inc. ("KNOS") was held Thursday, May 24,
2018, at the Myrtle Banks Building, 1307 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard.

The meeting was called to order at 5:48 p.m. The following Board members were present: Sherice Clark, Stanwood
Duval, Kelt Kindick, John Landrum, Drew Marsh, Florencia Polite, Larry Washington, Robert Hudson, and Donnell Bailey.
Toya Barnes-Teamer arrived at 5:55 p.m. The following Board member was absent: Steve Usdin. The following members of KNOS staff were present: CEO Rhonda Kalifey-Aluise, CAO Todd Purvis, COO/CFO Matt Lehigh,
Development Manager Kristen Chawla, Director of Advocacy Jonathan Bertsch, and Regional Office Manager Virginia
Fernandez. Richard Buery, Chief of Policy & Public Affairs for the KIPP Foundation was in attendance. He arrived at 5:52 p.m. Guest presenter Erica Freeman of the Orleans Parish School Board was in attendance. She departed at 6:08 p.m.

After welcoming board members, staff, and guests Mr. Washington noted that audience introductions were unnecessary
because no members of the general public were in attendance.

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Washington introduced a vote to approve the Board's February meeting minutes. Motion to approve made by Mr.
Kindick and seconded by Dr. Polite to pass the February minutes. The motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Orleans Parish School Board Transition Overview

Ms. Erica Freeman, Assistant Director of School Performance at OPSB, presented information about OPSB's role in
charter school oversight and details about the school governance re-unification process.

Board Announcement

Dr. Polite announced that her family will be moving out of state. She will resign from the board at the end of this fiscal
year; her last meeting will be on June 14, 2018.

Resolution Authorizing Orleans Parish School Board Operating and Lease Agreements Signatory

Mr. Lehigh introduced a resolution to adopt a policy authorizing the SPSS operating and lease agreement signatory.
Motion to approve made by Dr. Polite and seconded by Mr. Marsh. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Resolution Authorizing School Relocations in Alignment with Long-term Facilities Portfolio

Mr. Lehigh introduced a resolution to adopt a policy authorizing school relocations in alignment with long-term facilities
portfolio. Motion to approve made by Mr. Kindick and seconded by Mr. Bailey. The motion passed by unanimous voice

Finance Committee Report

Mr. Lehigh explained the variety of factors negatively impacting citywide revenues for public education. He noted that
the organization would finish the current year without accessing the fund balance's reserves despite the late notice
operators received regarding the financial downturn. The finance committee will bring a proposed FY19 budget to the
full board at its June meeting.

Resolution Authorizing Depository

Mr. Lehigh presented for approval a resolution authorizing depository. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Hudson and
seconded by Ms. Barnes-Teamer. Resolution was adopted by unanimous voice vote.

Development Committee Report

Ms. Aamodt reported that the Gala was very successful. She thanked the board for their help and generosity. She
mentioned that the increased student performances were very popular and would be included in future galas. Ms.
Aamodt asked for recommendations for future chair and/or co-chairs for the Gala. She gave an overview for Give NOLA

Strategic Planning Committee Report

Mr. Kindick presented the committee report.

Governance and Nominating Committee Report

Mr. Landrum updated the board on recruitment of new board members, and he will reach out to board members to
meet with potential candidates.

KIPP Foundation Policy and Public Affairs

Mr. Richard Buery introduced himself and discussed his role in KIPP. He thanked regional staff for hosting him on his trip
to New Orleans.

CEO Report

Ms. Kalifey-Aluise reviewed the charter application process and will update Board when she receives information from
OPSB about our current application.

Mr. Washington adjourned the meeting at 7:14 p.m.

KIPP New Orleans Schools- Board Meeting Minutes: February 22, 2018

A public meeting of the Board of Directors (the "Board") of KIPP New Orleans Inc. ("KNOS") was held Thursday, February
22, 2018, at the Myrtle Banks Building, 1307 Oretha Castle HaJey Boulevard.

The meeting was called to order at 5:55 p.m. The following Board members were present: Toya Barnes-Teamer, Sherice
Clark, Stanwood Duval, Kelt Kindick, John Landrum, Drew Marsh, Florencia Polite, Steve Usdin, and Larry Washington.
Robert Hudson arrived at 6:01 p.m. Donnell Bailey arrived at 7:00 p.m. The following Board member was absent: Jodi Aamodt. The following members of KNOS staff were present: CEO Rhonda Kalifey-Aluise, CAO Todd Purvis, Managing Director of Finance Brad Rosenblat, Director of Finance Javier Cortez, Development Manager Kristen Chawla, Director of Advocacy Jonathan Bertsch, Managing Director of School Operations Katharine Schweighardt, and Regional Office Manager Virginia Fernandez. Toya Barnes-Teamer departed at 7:04 p.m. The following members of the public were present: Lauren Lewis.

Mr. Washington welcomed the board members and staff to the meeting. He stated that he had recently visited several
KIPP schools and met with school leaders and students and it made a great impact. He encouraged board members to
do the same.

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Washington introduced a vote to approve the Board's December meeting minutes and January meeting minutes.
Motion to approve made by Dr. Polite and seconded by Mr. Marsh to pass the December and January minutes. The
motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Finance Committee Report

Mr. Marsh presented current KNOS fund balances. The Finance Team are working with schools to develop the FY 2019

Development Committee Report

Ms. Chawla reported that attendance at the gala is expected to be strong. She asked the board to invite guests to
attend so that others can learn about KNOS's work. Ms. Kalifey-Aluise noted that there would be increased student
performances at this year's gala.

Governance and Nominating Committee Report

Ms. Kalifey-Aluise reviewed the aspects of excellence in governance that were discussed at the board retreat. Mr.
Landrum presented a board exercise challenging the board to expand their impact.

Strategic Planning Committee Report

Mr. Kindick shared that the Orleans Parish School Board evaluation of the charter renewal process is including new
criteria. Ms. Kalifey-Aluise mentioned that the OPSB and KIPP have a good dialogue, and that all schools will be
reunified by June 2018. She also shared that OPSB members will be present at the next board meeting on April 19, 2018
and the board will be able to ask questions at that time.

CEO Report

Ms. Kalifey-Aluise reviewed the discussion from the retreat regarding KIPP Through College strategy and scalability.
Mr. Purvis then presented the 4 challenges to enhancing alumni performance.

Mr. Washington noted that there was a member of the general public, Ms. Lauren Lewis, who then presented her
comments to the Board. Ms. Lewis suggested implementing a cosmetology/barber certification program for Booker T.
Washington students, along with receiving their high school diploma.

Mr. Washington adjourned the meeting at 7:07 p.m.

KIPP New Orleans Schools Board Retreat and Meeting Minutes: January 12, 2018

A public retreat of the Board of Directors (the Board) of KIPP New Orleans Schools (KNOS) was held on Friday, January 12, 2018 at 8 a.m. at KIPP East Community Primary located at 6519 Virgilian St., New Orleans, LA 70126.

Jenny Carey, KECP School Leader gave a brief overview of the school and took the board members on a tour of the classrooms.

Meeting was called to order at 8:37 a.m.

The following members were present: Larry Washington, John Landrum, Toya Barnes-Teamer, Steven Usdin (departed at 10:30 a.m.), Donnell Bailey (departed at 10:30 a.m.), Jodi Aamodt (departed at 11:45 a.m.), Florencia Polite attended by teleconference (departed at 12:15 p.m.) Stanwood Duvall (departed at 12:25 p.m.). The following members were absent: Sherice Clark, Robert Hudson, Drew Marsh and Kelt Kindick. The following members of KNOS staff were present: Rhonda Kalifey-Aluise, Todd Purvis, Mike Wright, Matt Lehigh, Larry Murphy,Kristen Chawla, and Virginia Fernandez. The following guest was present: Stephen Rosenthal. Mr. Rosenthal departed at lunch.

Larry Washington, Board Chair, addressed the board concerning organizational growth and development.

Welcome & Goals of Retreat

Rhonda Kalifey-Aluise welcomed everyone to the retreat, gave update on KNOS and discussed the goals of the retreat.

KIPP Through College Strategy

Presented by Larry Murphy. Mr. Murphy gave an update on KTC strategy on enhancing alumni performance. Mr. Murphy shared data that indicates KTC may need to assess current programming based on future growth due to KNOS having so many alumni in college.Mr. Murphy discussed cultivating ways to identify scalable strategies to increase success rate for students. Todd Purvis commented on focus to improve K-12 outcomes. Goal is to have 50% of KIPP alumni complete college. Mike Wright led an exercise about KTC resource prioritization, asking the board to delineate with colored stickers the areas they felt needed the most focus.

Break 10:30: During the break, Rhonda Kalifey-Aluise shared information about the 2018 Power to Lead Gala. Jodi Aamodt requested 100% participation from board members.

Growth Strategy

Ms. Kalifey-Aluise then discussed growth strategy and growth opportunities for KNOS. Matt Lehigh discussed the trend of Kindergarten enrollment and how this impacts growth.

Board Health Assessment & Planning (Lunch)

Mike Wright presented a strategic discussion to the board and discussed the aspects that contribute to excellence in governance. Mr. Wright then asked the board to self-assess, based on the 6 core responsibilities he presented to show where they felt their strengths and weaknesses are in the areas of board governance.

Larry Washington called for a motion to end the meeting. John Landrum made the motion. Mr. Lehigh seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.